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Gujarat State Cleaner Production Award
The Forests and Environment Department, Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre invites nominations for Gujarat Cleaner Production Award from the Small & Medium Scale and Large Scale Sector Industries of Gujarat every year.
Total Awards: 4
Two awardees (one from Large Scale Sector and one from Small and Medium Scale Sector) from Highly Polluting 17 categories industries
Two awardees (one from Large Scale Sector and one from Small and Medium Scale Sector) from less polluting Industries
Two Runner Up (one from Large Scale Sector and one from Small and Medium Scale Sector) from Highly Polluting 17 categories industries
Two Runner Up (one from Large Scale Sector and one from Small and Medium Scale Sector) from less polluting Industries
Winners will get:
Runner Up will get:
Cash Prize (Rs. 50, 000)
Additional one year consent from GPCB
Cash Prize (Rs. 25,000)
CP Award GR
Award for Exemplary Application of the Cleaner Production Implementation in Large Scale Industry in Gujarat State
Award for Exemplary Application of the Cleaner Production Implementation in Small and Medium Scale Industry in Gujarat State
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