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In appreciation of the efforts of GCPC in the field of CP in Regional, National & International level, though GCPC is a regional CP Centre in India, UNIDO has recognized it at par with National CPC and included in RECP (Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production) networking membership. Now, GCPC is a regular member of RECPnet in which only 74 Centres around the world are members. The main objective of RECP net is to enable and contribute to the effective and efficient development, application, adaptation and replication of RECP concepts, methods, policies, practices and technologies in developing and transition countries

In appreciation of the efforts of GCPC in the field of CP in Regional, National & International level, though GCPC is a regional CP Centre in India, UNIDO has recognized it at par with National CPC and included in RECP (Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production) networking membership. Now, GCPC is a regular member of RECPnet in which only 74 Centres around the world are members. The main objective of RECP net is to enable and contribute to the effective and efficient development, application, adaptation and replication of RECP concepts, methods, policies, practices and technologies in developing and transition countries
GREENCO Rating System Piloted Throughout India
RECP Assessments in the Textile and Pulp and Paper Sector, India
Final Workshop of the Joint Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (Recp) Programme
At regional level RECP implementation of GCPC, follow the given link:
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